phone +91 89258 87798
CMA Intermediate
6.5 Months
Mode of teaching
Face to Face / Online classes

Passed Senior Secondary School Examination/Higher Secondary Examination (10+2) and Foundation Course of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India or qualified the Foundation (Entry Level) Part I Examination of Certificate in Accounting Technicians (CAT) Course of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India or Degree examination of any recognized University or Pursuing Engineering Course (having completed 2nd year/Semester IV/ equivalent) or Qualified Engineers or equivalent in any subject other than music, dancing, photography, painting & sculpture and the likes.

Cut off Dates for Registration to Intermediate Course

For June Term Examination 31st January of the same calendar year
For December Term Examination 31st July of the same calendar year
Subjects covered in Intermediate Course
Paper-5Business Laws and Ethics
Paper-6Financial Accounting
Paper-7Direct Taxation and Indirect Taxation
Paper-8Cost Accounting
Paper-9Operations Management & Strategic Management
Paper-10Corporate Accounting and Auditing
Paper-11 Financial Management and Business Data Analytics
Paper-12Management Accounting
Passing criteria in CMA Intermediate Examination
An Intermediate Course candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination if he/ she obtains at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper and a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all the papers.